Can You Use Paint Thinner as Nail Polish Remover
Some nail polish remover is composed entirely of acetone and can be safely used to thin paint. Step 3 Use Nail Polish Remover. Nail Polish Remover Paint Thinner And Goof Off Can Remove Nail Polish Stain From Clothes Blankets And A Nail Polish Stain Paint Thinner Paint Remover Apply the nail polish remover to a cotton ball or cloth and then gently dab at the paint. . Step 1 Use a Paint Scraper. Spot clean using acetone and paint thinner so you dont damage any areas not heavily stained. Using a scraper may remove the paint from a plastic product but not all the time. Vegetable oil can be used to loosen the paint on a plastic surface. If you want your paint to be usable and give good service be durable after application you should use only recommended thinning agents. Can nail polish remover be used as paint thinner. Check the label to see what ingredients are in your nail polish remover before using it as pa...